What is LIKEtoKNOW.it?

I have had many people ask me “what is LIKEtoKNOW.It and how does it work?” So I thought it would be easiest to do a blog about how the app works. Once you use it a couple of times you will be asking yourself “why have I not been using this app?”

LIKEtoKNOW.it is a consumer media platform with a focused mission: grow your audience, reach, and economic opportunity.

What is LIKEtoKNOW.it

LIKEtoKNOW.It is the single largest influencer shopping app with millions of products, 100% shoppable within the app LIKEtoKNOW. It is designed for real people to review and share their favorite styles, often with a mirror selfie or camera phone snap, so you can see exactly how a product fits on an actual person. The app is super easy to navigate, with the ability to search for a specific product or influencer.


The company RewardStyle is behind this technology, and creating LTKit has totally changed the shopping game for both bloggers and consumers. They came up with a way bloggers can make a commission from sales of products they wear in their posts! 


This community is distinct and diverse, inspiring a highly-engaged audience with outstanding, shoppable content. rewardStyle influencers are defined by their quality of production, consistency of publishing, shoppability of content, and strength of audience engagement.

If you follow me on Instagram, you have probably seen that little white or black heart at the bottom right of my pictures. You also may have seen me tagging @liketoknowit and hash tagging #LTKit in my captions. That means that my photo is enabled to work through the LIKEtoKNOW.it app.

What is LIKEtoKNOW.it

Here’s how it works

Download the app in the App Store and sign up  It’s a free app and super easy to use.

download LIKEtoKNOW.it

If you see @liketoknowit tagged in the caption on your Instagram, then you can get the details on it! Take a screenshot of the picture and go back to the app. The picture will show up in the app under the heart at the bottom of your screen, and you will be able to shop from there.

Another super easy way to use LIKE.ToKNOW.It is by opening the app, and then searching for your favorite bloggers. For example, if you are looking for me, just type in home_has_myheart in the search bar, and this is what will show up.

What is LIKEtoKNOW.it

Once you click on my page, you can shop my looks by tapping on a picture from my feed. Each item in the picture will be listed below the picture. Tap on one of the items (for example a dress) and you will see the “SHOP” button. This will take you directly to the website where I bought the item, and you can purchase it there!

how to use LIKEtoKNOW.it

When you purchase an item through my LIKEtoKNOW.it post, I will get a commission from what you buy! BUT This does NOT charge you any extra money to shop this way.


I love to use LTK, and I can follow all my favorite bloggers to see what trends they are currently working on.

I hope this helped you understand the LIKEtoKNOW.it app and would love for you to follow me! Please let me know if you have any other questions about how to use LIKEtoKNOW.it! Comment below or DM me on Instagram and I will for sure get back to you!

Cheers, Stephanie